
Custom Software Development

Capitalizing on 12+ years of expertise, iNoesis delivers custom software that is tailored to the needs of the entire organization while being smart enough to assist each user in accomplishing their tasks.


Support & Maintenance

To ensure a service’s operational efficacy, a set of techniques known as service assistance and upkeep are used. They consist of incident and issue management, management of changes, product management, management of configurations, and business continuity. Through well-considered support and maintenance techniques, you will make certain that the work needed to maintain your service is greatly reduced. This will reduce the cost of running your company and raise customer satisfaction.

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Backend Development

Excellent backend development solutions are offered by iNoesis, a full-cycle software creation & web design business with demonstrated knowledge in the industry. Your website’s security and resiliency will be guaranteed by our capable and committed backend development team. Any website needs a proper system to support it. We offer state-of-the-art backend solutions for web development to satisfy this need.

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Application Modernization

Modernize your app portfolio to provide your company with greater agility and flexibility and gain a competitive edge. We recognize that many business-critical operations are centered on older apps. However, over time, they become very expensive to maintain and slow down innovation and speed to market.

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Frontend Development

Front-end development software offerings are essential if you would like the digital products your company produces to achieve any of its goals. To make your website appealing, front-end development is not sufficient. The User Experience (UX) is a crucial component of any project requiring front-end development. As a result, it is crucial in helping your users take the required action.

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Progressive Web Applications (PWA)

These procedures must be seamless and trouble-free as more consumers exchange messages and make purchases using their phones. Because of this, many businesses are attempting to create progressive web apps (PWAs) that will improve user experiences. You get a more simplified experience with these, especially on mobile. This ought to be comparable to the experience you get with programs you acquire from Google Play or the Apple App Store. Progressive web apps, however, run using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

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Development of Custom ideas

Your demands are unique, and your software solution should be too. Custom Software Company In India offers a competitive advantage for companies of all sizes in all industries. It’s not enough that software solves today’s problem–it needs to solve tomorrow’s problems as well. iNoesis specializes in developing scalable custom solutions, so you can continue to compete far into the future

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UI & UX Design

Do you want to create your service or product with a group that follows deadlines, provides a transparent design process, and produces flawless results? Use the UI and UX features provided by iNoesis. You may simply and rapidly create a compelling product with the assistance of our award-winning design team, which is a tiny design studio inside of a big software firm.

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Development Of MVPS And Prototyping

Design teams test their concepts by creating tangible prototypes, which might be real or digital. To capture design concepts and user testing, teams create prototypes with varied levels of realism. Prototypes may help you refine and test your ideas, enabling your business to release the right products. It’s a crucial component of the design process for user experience (UX) that often follows ideation, in which you and your team have developed and chosen concepts that can meet consumers’ demands. In prototyping, you create a straightforward trial model of your desired product so you can evaluate how well it corresponds with customer feedback.

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Product Development

iNoesis assists retail businesses, distributors, producers, and wholesalers by combining our knowledge regarding information technology and e-commerce growth and development to increase customer satisfaction, increase revenues, and broaden their client bases. To help your business stand out in the e-commerce industry, we, Software Company In India strive to make our e-commerce development services, custom software development services and solution both technically flawless and aesthetically appealing.

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Engagement Models

Dedicated developers for your next project. Today, companies all over the world use IT staff augmentation services to reach their goals faster and more cost-effectively. Thanks to the help of these experts, any business can bypass every speed bump related to sourcing, recruiting, and retaining talented software engineers. The staff augmentation meaning is multifaceted. Organizations can also fill in the gaps in other ways. They can, for example, use their own project managers, or they can bring in outside professionals. The purpose is to meet objectives while using in-house team members and external experts at the same time.


Business Intelligence

We iNoesis rigorously analyze the current state of your data systems and highlight the areas that can be improved with business intelligence solutions. Our experts design a comprehensive detailed roadmap for your BI implementation or enhancement, Develop a robust strategy, Provide the description of data sources and ETL procedures, and specify the challenges as well as the ways to solve them.


Data Migration

INOESIS Data migration tool in Business Intelligence products is for transferring information from one single database to another, and it necessitates careful preparation and execution to guarantee that every record is transferred properly and securely. Our Data migration tools are very effective and can be used to modernize systems as a whole consolidate databases or transfer information between platforms.

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Data Analytics

Inoesis Business Intelligence (BI) solutions Data analytics tool is a vital part of business intelligence products since it assists in identifying correlations between various factors to figure out how they interact as well as how modifications to one variable influence other variables so we help clients to make better-informed decisions that result in higher revenues or cost reductions by knowing these links.

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Data Visualization

Data visualization is the science and art of leveraging data to communicate a business story. Inoesis Business Intelligence (BI) solutions Data visualization tool is now a must-have tool for gathering and evaluating information from datasets. In our business intelligence package, data visualization is a valuable tool. We assist organizations in better understanding their data and gaining useful insights from it, allowing them to make smarter choices that can improve operations and enhance profitability.

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Data Integration

INOESIS Data integration tool in Business Intelligence products enables organizations to make educated decisions by merging data from several sources into a unified picture. Our Data integration tool helps in studying trends, detecting patterns, and forecasting the future. we assist firms in remaining competitive by giving the insights required to make better decisions. Our clients obtain significant insights into consumer behavior and industry trends by linking data from numerous sources, which can help them design enhanced approaches and products.

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Data Quality Management

We know that Data is an organization’s and its commercial success’ lifeblood and Data flaws can result in a variety of effects. It is critical to ensure that you are making strategic decisions based on credible information.

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Data Warehousing

As Business intelligence is defined as the capacity to answer complicated queries regarding your data and utilize the answers to make business choices. To achieve this effectively, you’ll need an Inoesis Business Intelligence (BI) solutions data warehouse system, which is a system for managing data that saves enormous volumes of data for subsequent processing and analysis. which not only offers a secure way to gather and store all of your data, but also an approach for quickly finding the answers you require, when you require them.

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Mobile App Development

iNoesis builds a wide range of custom mobile solutions for B2B, B2C, and B2E systems. We help our customers meet their business goals, delivering high-scale customized mobile solutions.. Whether you’re a startup or an industry leader, be sure to get a mobile application fit your requirements


Hybrid Mobile App Development

For startups and businesses, iNoesis Technologies offers mobile applications that are hybrid-platform with flawless user logic and feature design as well as high-quality cross-device goods. We provide cutting-edge, reliable cross-platform solutions that help your business expand.

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Cross-Platform App Development

Creating amazing cross-platform experiences that advance businesses and boost conversions. iNoesis develops data-backed, practical, and affordable solutions using cross-platform mobile development services.

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Native Application Developoment

The process of developing apps specifically for a given platform or operating system is known as “native application development.” Since it offers the best performance and user experience, it is the most widely used method for creating mobile app development services.

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B2B and B2C eCommerce Apps

Innovative B2B, B2C, and e-commerce solutions are developed by iNoesis Technologies to assist you in conducting business with clients and suppliers, entering international markets, and increasing profits through controlled inventory, billing, content management, and sales processes.

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Enterprise App Development

INoesis, a dependable pioneer in digital transformation, provides organizations with specialized enterprise apps that are created to match their particular functional requirements and create fresh possibilities for improving productivity and expansion.

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Custom Mobile Apps Development

iNoesis Technologies Custom Mobile applications open up commercial options that couldn’t be gained or replaced with other alternatives. Since Apps are becoming a need rather than an option. Feel the versatility of iNoesis Technologies’ custom mobile application development platform, which enables businesses to create specialized mobile apps quickly for specific business requirements and workflows in any sector.

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E-Commerce Development

Get customized eCommerce solutions for your online store that matches your goals, budget, and timeline. Our e-commerce initiatives improve sales performances, customer satisfaction, reports and marketing initiatives undertaken by a company. Whatever your business is iNoesis can help you market and sell your products and services more cost-effectively. With designs that stand out from the crowd, we offer small businesses and corporate enterprises innovative and unique ways to sell on the web.


Maintenance & Support Services

For companies of all sizes, iNoesis Technologies offers thorough maintenance and support services. We specialize in offering specialized solutions that are created to satisfy the particular requirements of our clients.

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Migration Services

Businesses may easily move their E-commerce data with the aid of iNoesis Technologies. We provide speedy and dependable information migration solutions for eCommerce firms. We are a single source for all of your online store’s data transfer needs.

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B2C Commerce Solutions

Get innovative B2C eCommerce sites that are completely customized and prepared for expansion. INoesis Technologies, a beginning-to-end eCommerce solutions provider, gives you everything you require to get started in a Customer-focused B2C eCommerce platform and solutions

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B2B eCommerce Platforms

The online B2B eCommerce industry is expanding quickly, thus it’s time to give creating an eCommerce platform top priority as part of your plan for digital transformation. But trying to run your B2B firm like a B2C online store will not be successful.

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CMS Integration Services

For many firms, their online store has evolved into a key asset, necessitating the development of a solid CMS platform that strikes the ideal balance between design, content, and data architecture. iNoesis Technologies work with you to develop all-encompassing eCommerce solutions that will improve your online presence and allow you to sell products with a lot of flexibility.

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Custom Portal Development

Increase business development with feature-rich, adaptable websites for the web and mobile. To improve choices and increase revenue, implement data-driven solutions. The focus of iNoesis Technologies is client synergy. Understanding your company’s distinctive product offering helps us create an individual approach for your eCommerce business, from research to design to deployment—and any support following website launch.

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Devops Consulting - Cloud Services

DevOps is a silent efficiency booster that can help improve the quality of your software development process. iNoesis delivers optimal results for all your software development needs. With our consulting services, we will help you identify the ideal DevOps strategy and tools relevant to your business objectives. We will also develop an easy-to-follow guide with detailed descriptions on the implementation of your DevOps model.


Cloud App Architechture

Use iNoesis Technologies’ game-changing cloud architecture design products and services to place years of field knowledge and expertise at the center of the architecture of your cloud to achieve the highest level of cloud performance.

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Integration & Deployment

The DevOps implementation by iNoesis Technologies identifies the strategic result of an application-based software development cycle. As we ask the correct questions and take the appropriate steps, we encourage you to support and deliver organizational transformation.

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Configuration Management

Configuration management is critical in DevOps since it allows you to automate otherwise time-consuming operations and allows your firm to become more agile. Professionals at iNoesis Technologies carry out building, coding, testing, packaging, arrangement, as well as evaluation, and monitoring with the use of best practices specific to each discipline for configuration management.

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Cloud Infrastructure

A collection of the parts and pieces needed to offer cloud computing makes up cloud infrastructure. Computing power, storage, networking, and a platform that allows users to access resources that are virtualized are all included in this.

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Infrastructure Automation

In many industries, automating has become a need and a critical step for businesses. The manufacture and transmission of a product can be sped up with the use of automation also For software to be created and released more quickly, automation is required.

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DevOps Consulting Services

At iNoesis Technologies, we offer DevOps Consulting services. To design your desired DevOps adoption roadmap, we assess your present IT maturity. We then leverage our knowledge in DevOps and Website Reliability Engineering Services and Certified DevOps specialists.

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